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Distinctive Dentistry Blog

I’m Getting a Tooth Extracted — Should I Be Worried about Dry Socket?

February 19, 2025

Filed under: Uncategorized — distinctivedentistry @ 6:11 pm
Man shrugging and wearing curious expression

Do you have an upcoming appointment for a tooth extraction? If so, it is only natural to be a bit worried about the road in front of you. In particular, you might be concerned about dry socket, a painful complication that rarely occurs after tooth extractions. What is dry socket, and how can you keep your risk to a bare minimum? This blog post provides some helpful information.


My Tooth Doesn’t Hurt, So Why Should I Bother Having It Extracted?

February 13, 2025

Filed under: Uncategorized — distinctivedentistry @ 8:01 pm
Dental hygienist smiles

The preservation of patients’ natural teeth is one of the primary goals of dentistry, but it is sometimes necessary to remove a troubled tooth to protect the health of the rest of the smile. While it can be easy to understand that you need an extraction if your tooth is in terrible pain, you may be reluctant to believe your dentist if they recommend removing a tooth that doesn’t hurt at all. Here’s why removing a tooth that doesn’t hurt may be necessary to protect your oral and overall health.


4 Different Types of Gum Procedures & How They Work!

January 16, 2025

Filed under: Uncategorized — distinctivedentistry @ 12:58 am
Illustration of gum grafting

When you think of dental procedures, you likely think of treatments involving the teeth. The truth is that your gum tissue plays just as important of a role to your oral health. To restore the health of your gums and prevent further damage, periodontal surgery is sometimes necessary. Continue reading to learn about some of the different types of gum procedures and how they work.


I Haven’t Had My Teeth Professionally Cleaned in a While; Will It Hurt?

January 13, 2025

Filed under: Uncategorized — distinctivedentistry @ 12:18 am
Lady thinks something over

Anxiety about going to the dentist’s office is an unfortunately common problem, and many people go for years without receiving regular teeth cleanings or necessary restorative care because they are nervous about receiving dental treatment. While scheduling an appointment with your dentist is a great first step to getting your oral health on track, you may be worried that your teeth cleaning will be unpleasant. Here’s a guide to how your dentist will ensure your comfort and a few tips to help take the stress out of the situation.


Got a Gritty Grin? Here’s What May Be Causing It

December 13, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — distinctivedentistry @ 9:24 pm
Patient licking their teeth after oral hygiene

Have you ever thought about what your teeth feel like? Try running your tongue over them now. Did you feel any rough patches? The thing is your teeth are meant to be smooth! But while roughness doesn’t always mean something serious, it shouldn’t be ignored. If you’re concerned about the state of your smile, continue reading. You’ll see some of the most common reasons your teeth might feel rough and how better oral hygiene can help!


Are Bad Teeth Genetic?

December 12, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — distinctivedentistry @ 11:50 pm
Family tree

Does it seem like you are frequently battling oral health issues? You might even think that you were just cursed with “bad teeth” and there isn’t much you can do to resolve it. If you and your parents have had similar dental issues, you may be wondering if you were genetically predisposed to oral health problems. Genetics certainly can play a role in oral health, but it doesn’t have the final say! Continue reading to learn more about how genetics affect your dental health.


Clean Connection: How to Maintain Your Dental Bridge

November 20, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — distinctivedentistry @ 7:21 pm
Dental bridge on a light blue background

Your teeth play a critical role in your ability to chew food, enunciate words, and smile confidently. If you have a gap in your grin from one or several consecutively missing teeth, you might feel so self-conscious about your dental condition that you avoid spending time with other people.

Fortunately, your dentist can provide a dental bridge that’s customized to look just like the teeth that went missing, so no one can tell there was ever an issue to begin with. Plus, these restorations can last for years, though it depends on how well it’s maintained. Continue reading to learn more about extending the lifespan of your dental bridge!


4 Reasons to Be Grateful for Your Dentist This Thanksgiving

November 9, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — distinctivedentistry @ 2:16 pm
Illustration of tooth holding card that says “Thank You”

Thanksgiving is a time to remember all the things you’re thankful for. Naturally, your friends and loved ones probably spring to mind immediately, but have you taken the time to appreciate your dentist? You may not think about it much, but they do more to enhance your quality of life than you might realize. Below are 4 reasons why you should give your thanks to your dentist this November.


How Beer Affects Your Oral Health

October 17, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — distinctivedentistry @ 5:23 pm
Hands toasting glasses of beer.

It’s October again, which means in many places it’s time for Oktoberfest! If you’re a beer fan, this is your time to shine. But before you raise a glass to your favorite malt beverage, take a moment to understand the impact it has on your oral health, so you can enjoy responsibly all year long!


Flash Your Fangs Fantastically with These Dentally Dazzling Costume Ideas

October 11, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — distinctivedentistry @ 11:00 pm

While the dental community’s concerns about eating copious amounts of candy during the Halloween season are well known, there’s nothing wrong with putting on a clever costume and having some fun showing it off. While it’s easy to use a frightening mask to play a zombie, a ghoul, or another monster, why not choose a costume that will accentuate your gorgeous smile? Here are a few ways to make your grin the key feature of your spooky disguise.

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