You know that the age-old question: which came first, the chicken or the egg? The same type of question could be asked when it comes to brushing and flossing: which should come first in your at-home oral hygiene routine? Although many people envision flossing first as a way to remove icky plaque and bacteria from between teeth, and then using the toothbrush afterwards to whisk germs away, did you know this is actually incorrect? In fact, even though you’ve been brushing and flossing your whole life, there may be other technique points you’re missing. That’s why the team at Distinctive Dentistry, your trusted dentist in Hiram, shares their tips on how to brush and floss properly in the Brushing 101 lesson.
Brushing 101 – Tips From Your Dentist In Hiram
May 15, 2017
Your Dentist In Hiram, GA Explains Dental & Heart Health
April 27, 2017
Do you remember that song from elementary school? The one that goes, “Your arm bone is connected to your shoulder bone, your shoulder bone is connected to your neck bone?” Well, it turns out that these simplistic lyrics are true in more ways than you’d expect. In fact, your cardiovascular health is directly connected to your dental health. In this article, the team at Distinctive Dentistry explains the connection. Learn how to protect your smile – and your heart – in this post from the most respected dentist in Hiram, GA.
What Causes Bad Breath? Your Dentist In Dallas, GA Explains
April 2, 2017
You brush your teeth every day, twice a day. You avoid garlic and onions. You’ve even started using some of that over-the-counter mouth spray – but no matter what you do, you’re still afflicted with bad breath. This oral problem is embarrassing and unpleasant for you, and is just as uncomfortable for the people around you. What can you do? In this post, the team at Distinctive Dentistry, your superior dentist in Dallas, GA, educates you on the reasons behind bad breath – and what you can do about it.
Restore Your Smile With Porcelain Crowns In Hiram, GA
March 14, 2017
You broke a tooth when you accidentally bit into the pit of one of the peaches that Georgia is known for. You’re not sure if you’ll need to have the tooth removed completely, and you’d really like to avoid a blank spot in your smile. What options do you have? Luckily for you, you’re already a patient at Distinctive Dentistry and they have the expertise in porcelain crowns in Hiram, GA that you need. In this post, learn more about this restorative procedure and how crowns can give your smile the royal treatment you deserve.
What Is Good Oral Hygiene? Find Out From Your Dentist In Dallas, GA
March 6, 2017
According to surveys from the American Dental Association, your smile is your most important physical feature. And how you take care of it can mean the difference between a grin that lights up a room, or a sub-par smirk that leaves you embarrassed and depressed. So, although you’ve probably heard the term “proper oral hygiene” before, what does this actually mean? In this post, the team at Distinctive Dentistry, your trusted dentist in Dallas, GA, define this key dental term, and give you tips to take care of your teeth and gums.
Dallas, GA Children’s Dentists Promote Children’s Dental Health Month
February 8, 2017
February is National Children’s Dental Health Month. What better time than now to discuss the importance of helping your children have healthy and happy smiles? Together with Dallas, GA children’s dentists Drs. Bickford and Shirley, you can help your children have healthier smiles every month of the year.
Dentist in Dallas, GA for In-House Membership Savings Plan
January 20, 2017
At Distinctive Dentistry, we are committed to providing patients high-quality care with our patients the center of our focus. While the American Dental Association recommends everyone over the age of two visits the dentist twice a year, we know many avoid seeing their dentist in Dallas, GA due to the cost of care. Now, you no longer have to worry about dental insurance to receive the care you need. By becoming a member of our dental office, you will immediately start saving off your dental services. With our Membership Savings Plan, you will benefit from no waiting periods so you will receive the affordable care you need right away.
Get a Bright Holiday Smile with Teeth Whitening in Dallas, GA
November 16, 2016
The holiday season is the perfect time of year to spend laughing and smiling with friends and family. However, if your smile is not as bright as it once was, you may find yourself holding back from fully enjoying the festivities. Do not let tooth discoloration dim your holiday celebrations. You can have a brighter, whiter smile just in time for the holidays with professional teeth whitening in Dallas, GA. Distinctive Dentistry will help you brighten your smile using one of our safe and effective whitening treatments.
Dentist in Dallas, GA Celebrates National Brush Day
October 31, 2016
On the day after halloween, while your family is counting up all the sweet treats and candies from the night before, we want you to remember one thing. On November 1st, your dentist in Dallas, GA will be celebrating the first ever National Brush Day! There’s never been a better time to think about the toothbrush than right after the sugariest celebration of the year.
Dentist in Dallas, GA Compares Porcelain Veneers and Crowns
September 30, 2016
It’s not always easy to understand your options for fixing a damaged tooth. As your dentist in Dallas, GA, our team is committed to your oral health. A big part of that is providing you with necessary patient education. So in this month’s blog post, we want to cover a question we hear a lot: what’s the difference between dental veneers and crowns?