3036 Atlanta Highway, Dallas, GA 30132

Distinctive Dentistry Blog

Can Your Teeth Affect Your Health? Ask a Dentist in Dallas GA

January 4, 2018

Filed under: Uncategorized — distinctivedentistry @ 6:13 pm
Dentist educating a patient at an exam

Dentist educating a patient at an exam

Are you one of the millions of Americans who made a resolution in 2018 to improve your health? If so, you probably decided to exercise more, eat more fruits and vegetables, and get eight hours of sleep each night. But you may not realize that problems in your mouth can also affect your general health, putting you at higher risk for developing certain types of disease. If 2018 is the year you’ve vowed to take better care of yourself, keep reading as a dentist in Dallas GA talks about this surprising link. You’ll also learn about some simple steps you can take to improve your oral health and do something good for your body in the process!


The End of Yellow Teeth? A Dentist in Hiram Tells You How

Filed under: Uncategorized — distinctivedentistry @ 5:03 pm
A smile before and after whitening

A smile before and after whitening

Did you know that people who smile are considered to be more intelligent, attractive and trustworthy? It’s true! How amazing that you can say so much with a smile. That is, unless you don’t feel particularly confident about your teeth and wind up hiding your smile from other people. The good news is that even if you weren’t born with a perfectly white set of teeth, there are professional treatments that can brighten your smile and add confidence to your life. Below, a dentist in Hiram talks about how to whiten your teeth at home, as well as the best way to maintain your new smile.


Your Dentist in Dallas, GA Says Not to Skip Tongue Cleaning!

December 27, 2017

Filed under: Uncategorized — distinctivedentistry @ 3:12 pm

brushing teeth happy You can spend hours choosing the perfect outfit, shaping your hair just right because you want to make a good impression. However, you could still leave a disappointing impression on someone if they smell your bad breath.

Let’s face the facts: no one wants to talk to the person who has unpleasant odors wafting from their mouth each time they crack their mouth to spew something. You might keep a supply of mints in your pocket, but you can be much more proactive when it comes to preventing stinky breath. Your dentist in Dallas, GA is here to share a trick that will help keep you fresh all the time. It’s as simple as regularly cleaning your tongue!


Avoid a Dental Emergency in Dallas, GA with 3 Easy Steps

December 15, 2017

Filed under: Uncategorized — distinctivedentistry @ 9:36 pm

woman dental pain uncomfortable Do you know why people love the holidays? The top three reasons are typically family, friends, and food! There are many people that travel miles and miles just to be near their family at the end of the year and as your trusted dental team, we want you to stay safe.

That’s why your dentist is here to explain how to avoid a dental emergency with these helpful holiday tips.


10 Important Oral Health Discoveries You Don’t Know About

November 8, 2017

Man using a futuristic touchscreenIn the last year, dental researchers have uncovered some innovative treatment methods and materials, important connections between oral and overall health, and a wide range of other important oral health discoveries. Learn more about the latest in the field of dentistry by reading this post, and talk to your dentist during your next dental checkup about when you can expect to see these treatment options in your local dental office.

Your Dentist in Hiram Can Help You Solve Your Tooth Sensitivity

October 20, 2017

Filed under: Uncategorized — distinctivedentistry @ 2:34 pm

woman dental painMany people look forward to the holidays, but there are also many people that just look forward to the cold weather. Cold weather is connected to cozy things like comfort food, fireplaces, and hot chocolate.

Unfortunately, there may be a few people that aren’t able to enjoy everything the winter has to offer because of their tooth sensitivity. If you have sensitive teeth and just want a cup of hot cider this holiday season, this week’s blog post from your dentist in Hiram is for you!


Dentist Explains the Negative Effects of Drugs on Dental Health

September 27, 2017

Filed under: Uncategorized — distinctivedentistry @ 5:55 pm

damaged, decayed teethSubstance abuse is a growing problem across the United State; according to one source, there are roughly three million new users each year. The social and general health problems associated with drug use are well-known. However, there is another aspect of the issue that doesn’t often receive the attention it deserves. People with substance use disorders are more likely to suffer from oral health problems than people in the general population. Your dentist in Dallas, GA, is here to discuss this troubling problem.


Dentist Discusses Science That Might End Painful Tooth Decay

Filed under: Uncategorized — distinctivedentistry @ 5:00 pm

tooth decay word cloudEveryone likes to indulge once in a while. Especially when the holiday season rolls around, sweet treats are everywhere. Whether it’s Halloween candy or a slice of pecan pie, it’s far too easy to give into goodies that are loaded with sugar. All that munching can lead to tooth decay and its associated pain. But what if science could take that pain away? Your dentist in Hiram is here to discuss advances that could one day revolutionize dentistry and the way tooth decay is treated.


Your Dentist Discusses How Anxiety Affects Teeth

August 27, 2017

Filed under: Uncategorized — distinctivedentistry @ 1:53 pm

worried womanPeople feel anxiety for a number of different reasons, and this in turn leads them to deal with it in a multitude of ways. Some people choose to exercise, and others just take a moment to breathe deeply. Unfortunately, another common way many people cope with stress and anxiety is by clenching their jaw and grinding their teeth.  Most don’t even realize that they are doing it, and what they may not know is that they could be putting their smile in danger, which is absolutely the last thing you need when you’re already stressed! Today, a dentist discusses how this can impact a person’s smile over time, as well as what they can do about this sneaky habit. (more…)

Your Dentist Explains How Cigarettes Harm Your Teeth

August 20, 2017

Filed under: Uncategorized — distinctivedentistry @ 3:11 am

cigarette in man's handSmoking cigarettes is one of the unhealthiest habits a person can have. It can lead to respiratory problems, lung cancer, and a host of other devastating issues. It also affects oral health. If you are a smoker, you should be aware of how your habit can impact your teeth and gums and how your dentist in Dallas, GA, may be able to help keep your mouth in good shape.


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